


Logstash and ElasticSearch

splunk mitre searches


number Rule Name MITRE Techqniue
1 Execution with AT T1053.002
2 Running executables with same hash and different names T1036.003
3 Active Directory Dumping via NTDSUtil T1003.003
4 Squiblydoo T1218.010
5 Services launching Cmd T1543
6 Credential Dumping via Windows Task Manager T1003.001
7 UAC Bypass T1548.002
8 Command Launched from WinLogon T1546.008
9 Host Discovery Commands T1087 T1069 T1016 T1082 T1033 T1057 T1007
10 Create Remote Process via WMIC T1047
11 Generic Regsvr32: Main Pattern T1218.010
12 Generic Regsvr32: Spawning Child Processes T1218.010
13 Powershell Execution T1059.001
14 Suspicious Arguments T1003 T1021 T1105
15 Lsass Process Dump via Procdump: Process Create T1003.001
16 User Activity from Clearing Event Logs (Security) T1070.001
17 Simultaneous Logins on a Host T1078
18 Execution with schtasks T1053.005
19 Quick execution of a series of suspicious commands T1087 T1003 T1069 T1057 T1021 T1543 T1112 T1574 T1018 T1569 T1053 T1029 T1033 T1007 T1082 T1049 T1016 T1010 T1518 T1046 T1562 T1098 T1059 T1012
20 Reg.exe called from Command Shell T1012 T1112 T1547.001 T1574
21 Remote PowerShell Sessions T1059.001 T1021
22 User Logged in to Multiple Hosts T1078
23 Suspicious Run Locations T1036.005
24 Processes Spawning cmd.exe T1059.003
25 RDP Connection Detection T1021.001
26 RunDLL32.exe monitoring T1218.011
27 Successful Local Account Login T1550.002
28 Scheduled Task FileAccess T1053.005
29 Compiled HTML Access T1218.001
30 Network Share Connection Removal T1070.005
31 Local Network Sniffing T1040
32 DLL Injection with Mavinject T1055.001
33 MSBuild and msxsl T1127
34 Component Object Model Hijacking T1546.015
35 CMSTP T1218.003
36 Registry Edit from Screensaver T1546.002
37 Credentials in Files & Registry T1552.002, T1552.001
38 AppInit DLLs T1546.010
39 Clear Powershell Console Command History T1070.003
40 Indicator Blocking - Driver Unloaded T1562.006
41 Processes Started From Irregular Parent T1068
42 Local Permission Group Discovery T1069.001
43 Unusual Child Process for Spoolsv.Exe or Connhost.Exe T1068
44 Unusual Child Process spawned using DDE exploit T1559.002
45 Webshell-Indicative Process Tree T1505.003
46 Detecting Tampering of Windows Defender Command Prompt T1562.001
47 Identifying Port Scanning Activity T1046
48 Disable UAC T1548.002
49 Detecting Shadow Copy Deletion via Vssadmin.exe T1490
50 Get System Elevation (Meterpreter and Cobalt Strike) T1548
51 Get System Elevation (Empire and PoshC2) T1548
52 Debuggers for Accessibility Applications T1546.012
53 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (powershell) T1564.004
54 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (wmic) T1564.004
55 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (rundll32) T1564.004
56 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (wscript/cscript) T1564.004
57 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (control) T1564.004
58 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (appvlp) T1564.004
59 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (cmd) T1564.004
60 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (ftp) T1564.004
61 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (bash) T1564.004
62 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (mavinject) T1564.004
63 NTFS Alternate Data Stream Execution (bitsadmin) T1564.004
64 Rare LolBAS Command Lines T1012, T1112, T1547, T1574
65 Unusually Long Command Line Strings T1059.003, T1059.001

Map to Local

Implementing rules based on Techniques usage statistics

Command and Scripting Interpreter

Rule number 13 (Powershell Execution) T1059.001

Severity : Medium

Processes.process_path = "C:\\Windows\\*\\powershell.exe"
Processes.parent_process_path != "C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe"

In last 24 hour

Rule number 21 (Remote PowerShell Sessions) T1059.001 T1021

Severity : Medium

Processes.process_exec = "wsmprovhost.exe"
Processes.parent_process_exec != "svchost.exe"

In last 24 hour

Rule number 65 (Unusually Long Command Line Strings) T1059.003, T1059.001

Severity : Low

max(process.length) > 10* average(process.length)

In last 24 hour

Rule number 19 (Quick execution of a series of suspicious commands) T1087 T1003 T1069 T1057 T1021 T1543 T1112 T1574 T1018 T1569 T1053 T1029 T1033 T1007 T1082 T1049 T1016 T1010 T1518 T1046 T1562 T1098 T1059 T1012

Severity : Medium

Process.process_exec IN (“arp.exe", "at.exe", "attrib.exe", "cscript.exe",
"dsquery.exe", "hostname.exe", "ipconfig.exe", "mimikatz.exe", "nbstat.exe",
"net.exe", "netsh.exe", "nslookup.exe", "ping.exe", "quser.exe",
"qwinsta.exe", "reg.exe", "runas.exe", "sc.exe", "schtasks.exe",
"ssh.exe", "systeminfo.exe", "taskkill.exe", "telnet.exe", "tracert.exe",
"wscript.exe", "xcopy.exe”)
count(Process.process_exec) > 1

In last 24 hour

Rule number 24 (Processes Spawning cmd.exe) T1059.003

Severity : Medium

Processes.process_exec = "cmd.exe"
Processes.parent_process_exec == "*"

In Last 24 hour

Map to Event Viewer (Most used)

1 - Command and Scripting Interpreter T1059 (24%)

PowerShell T1059.001

attack scenario Windows Event ID Threat name / Tool / CVE details
Encoded PowerShell payload deployed 800/4103/4104 - -
Interactive PipeShell over SMB named pipe 800/4103/4104 - -
Payload downloaded via PowerShell 800/4103/4104 - -

Windows Cmd T1059.003

attack scenario Windows Event ID Threat name / Tool / CVE details
Encoded PowerShell payload deployed via process execution 4688 - -
SQL Server payload injectection for reverse shell (MSF) 4688 - -

2 - Signed Binary Proxy Execution T1218 (19%)

  • No way to detect with event viewer

    Rundll32 T1218.011

Mshta T1218.005

3 - Create or Modify System Process T1543 (16%)

Windows Service T1543.003

attack scenario Windows Event ID Threat name / Tool / CVE details
Encoded PowerShell payload deployed via service installation 7045/4697 - -
Impacket SMBexec service registration (native) 7045/4697 SMBexec -
Mimikatz service driver installation detected 7045/4697 Mimikatz -
Service abuse with backdoored “command failure” (PowerShell) 800/4103/4104 - -
Service abuse with backdoored “command failure” (registry) 4688/1 - -
Service abuse with backdoored “command failure” (service) 4688/1 - -
Service abuse with malicious ImagePath (PowerShell) 800/4103/4104 - -
Service abuse with malicious ImagePath (registry) 4688/1 - -
Service abuse with malicious ImagePath (service) 4688/1 - -
Service created for RDP session hijack 7045/4697 - -
Service creation (command) 4688 - -
Service creation (PowerShell) 800/4103/4104 - -

4 - Scheduled Task/Job T1053 (16%)

Scheduled Task T1053.005

attack scenario Windows Event ID Threat name / Tool / CVE details
Interactive shell triggered by scheduled task (at, deprecated) 4688 - -
Persistent scheduled task with SYSTEM privileges creation 4688 - -
Remote schedule task creation via named pipes 5145 Atexec -
Schedule task created and deleted in a short period of time 4698-4699 - -
Schedule task created with suspicious arguments 4698 Atexec -
Schedule task fastly created and deleted 4698,4699 Atexec -
Scheduled task creation 4688 - -

5 - OS Credential Dumping T1003 (7%)

LSASS Memory T1003.001

attack scenario Windows Event ID Threat name / Tool / CVE details
LSASS credential dump with LSASSY (kernel) 4656/4663 - -
LSASS credential dump with LSASSY (PowerShell) 800/4103/4104 - -
LSASS credential dump with LSASSY (process) 4688/1 - -
LSASS credential dump with LSASSY (share) 5145 - -
LSASS credentials dump via Task Manager (file) 11 - -
LSASS dump indicator via Task Manager access 4688 - -
LSASS process accessed by a non system account 4656/4663 - -
SAM database user credential dump 4661 Mimikatz -

6 - Process Injection T1055 (7%)

  • No way to detect with Windows Event Viewer

7 - Obfuscated Files or Information T1027 (6%)

|attack scenario|Windows Event ID|Threat name / Tool / CVE|details| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Payload obfuscated transfer via service name|4688|Tchopper|-|

8 - Ingress Tool Transfer T1105 (5%)

  • No way to detect with Windows Event Viewer

9 - System Services T1569 (4%)

Service Execution T1569.002

attack scenario Windows Event ID Threat name / Tool / CVE details
PSexec installation detected 4688 - -
Service massive failures (native) 7000/7009 Tchopper -
Service massive installation (native) 7045/4697 Tchopper -
Service massive remote creation via named pipes (native) 5145 Tchopper -

10 - Masquerading T1036 (4%)

Rename System Utilities T1036.003

  • No way to detect with Windows Event Viewer