Defining ATT&CK Data Sources, Part I: Enhancing the Current State


  • We almost talk about TTPs(Tactcs, Techniques, Procedures) but there are Data Sources too which are important
  • They provide valuable data for us for detections
  • In these 2 posts we’ll talk about new methodology for defineing our data sources (part 1) and data source objects (part 2)

Where to Find Data Sources Today

  • Data sources are featured as part of the (sub)technique object properties:
  • Current structure contains only names of data sources
  • To understand and effectively apply these data sources we should align them with our technologies, logs, sensors.

Improving the Current Data Sources in ATT&CK

  • Data sources as defined in mitre philosiphy:
    • Information collected by sensors or Logging systems that may be used to collect information about adversaries actions and their results
  • ATT&CK Data Sources provide a relation beween adversary actions and our analysis. This makes it a vital aspect when developing detection rules
  • Here is a Number of Sub-Techniques per data source which most of them are about process and file monitoring

Develop Data Source Definitions

  • having definitions for data souces while contributing to data collection strategy developement enhances efficiency

Standardize the Name Syntax

  • Data Sources can be interepretted differently. some are very specific like Windows Registery while others have wider scope

Address Redundancy and Overlapping

  • Another unintended consequence of not having a standard naming structure for data sources is redundancy, which can also lead to overlaps.


example A: Loaded DLLs and DLL monitoring

Loaded DDL and DLL Monitoring. Are they same or different. They may have overlaps

exmple B: Collecting process telemetry

  • Process Monitoring
  • Process Command-Line Parameters
  • Process Use of Network

Can Process Command-Line Parameters be inside Process Monitoring. They have overlaps as well.

Example C: Breaking down or aggregating Windows Event Logs

Data Sources such as Windows Event Logs| have wide variaty of scope and cover other data sources as well

  • ATT&CK recommends collecting events from data sources such as PowerShell Logs, Windows Event Reporting, WMI objects, and Windows Registry.
  • However, these could be already covered by Windows Event Logs as previously shown.
  • Do we group every Windows data source under Windows Event Logs or keep them all as independent data sources?

Ensure Platform Consistency

A Proposed Methodology to Update ATT&CK’s Data Sources

  • Need a methodology to describe data sources
  • 6 ideas to upgrade ATT&CK Data Sources

1. Leverage Data Modeling

  • Need to define a data model for data sources
  • ‌‌Better understanding and relations with other components
  • Here is an initial proposed data model for ATT&CK data sources
  • After defining Data Models for Data Sources we can specify relationships between sensors, logs and …

2. Define Data Sources Through Data Elements

  • Define elements for data sources
  • For example Windows Registry includes user, process and registry key
  • Another example is for network traffic Data sources elements to be collected

3. Incorporate Data Modeling and Adversary Modeling

  • Relationship between Data sources and data elements and actions
  • It helps for better understanding the relationships between elements

4. Integrate Data Sources into ATT&CK as Objects

  • Date Sources need to be included in Tactics, Techniques and Groups diagram
  • While data sources have always been a property/field object of a technique, it’s time to convert them into objects, with their own corresponding properties.

5. Expand the ATT&CK Data Source Object

  • Once data sources are integrated as objects in the ATT&CK framework, and we establish a structured way to define data sources, we can start identifying additional information or metadata in the form of properties
  • The table below outlines some initial properties we propose starting off with

6. Extend Data Sources with Data Components

  • Our final proposal is to define data components.
  • The relationships between the data elements related to the data sources (e.g., Process, IP, File, Registry) can be grouped together and provide an additional sub-layer of context to data sources.
  • This concept was developed as part of the Open Source Security Event Metadata (OSSEM) project and presented at ATT&CKcon 2018 and 2019.
  • We refer to this concept as Data Components.

Diagram shows how we can extend the Data Components based on our logs and needs

What’s Next

In the second post of this two-part series, we’ll explore a methodology to help define new ATT&CK data source objects and how to implement the methodology with current data sources.